tiistai 17. joulukuuta 2013

Yksinkertainen on kaunista

Yksinkertainen on kaunista, Simple is beautiful

Talven tulo on ollut hieman nykivää tänä vuonna. Lumi on satanut ja sulanut melkein samantien pois. Järvi jäätyy ja sulaa jälleen. Myrskytuulet ovat vieneet lumet puista ja kaataneet metsää. Olemme saaneet huomata, miten haavoittuvaisessa ympäristössä elämme. Kun ei ole sähköä, elämä pysähtyy. Ei ole valoa, ei lämpöä, ei vettä.  Ei toimi netti eikä kännykkä. Junat eivät pääse kulkemaan.
Ihminen on kuin lastu laineilla luonnon ottaessa sen aseman, mikä sille kuuluu.

Hidasta elämää-sivustolla on vastikään julkaistu Clint Oberista tehty haastattelu. On mielenkiintoista seurata, miten sitä kommentoidaan. Artikkelin ydin on kertoa yhteydestämme Maahan. Ja mitä yhteyden puuttuminen saa aikaan. Monia tuntuu ärsyttävän se, että maadoittuminen on tuotteistettu ja siitä on tehty bisnestä. Mutta olemme rakentaneet sellaisen yhteiskunnan, ettei normaali maadoittuminen eli konkreettinen kosketus Maahan toimi. Kerrostalot ja asfalttipihat ovat paras esimerkki luonnottomasta ympäristöstä. Siihen kun lisäämme nykytekniikan ja monenlaiset saasteet niin melkoinen cocktail on valmiina.
Todellisuudessa ei monilla ole vaihtoehtoa, vaan elämä on juuri siellä, missä hyvinvoinnin saavuttaminen luonnollisin keinoin on vaikeinta. Suomessakin on paljon puhdasta luontoa ja elintilaa maaseudulla, mutta silti joudumme pakkautumaan asutuskeskuksiin. Sellainen aluepolitiikka vai miksi sitä nimitetäänkään, tulee muuten todella kalliiksi lisääntyvinä kuluina. Kenen taskuun eurot ropisevat, kun olemme entistä sairaampia?

The arrival of winter has been a little slow this year. Snow has fallen and melted away almost immediately. The lake freezes and melts again. Storm winds have taken snow from the trees and made them fall. We’ve gotten to see how vulnerable an environment we live in. When there is no electricity, life stops. We have no light, no heat, no water. Internet doesn’t work, nor do cell phones. Trains don’t run.
Humans are like small ships lost at sea when nature takes the position that belongs to it.

On the website Hidasta elämää (Slow Life) an interview of Clint Ober was just published. It’s interesting to follow the comments on the article. The core message of the article is to tell about our connection to Earth and what can follow if we lack that connection. Many people seem annoyed by the fact that Earthing has been commercialized and made into business. But the society we have built is such that the normal grounding by touching the Earth does not work. Blocks of flats and asphalt-covered yards are the best examples of unnatural environment. Add to that all the modern technology and all kinds of pollution and we have quite a cocktail.
In reality many people don’t have any choice, as they have to live exactly where it is most difficult to achieve well-being by natural means. In Finland we have plenty of clean nature and space to live on the countryside but still we all have to head to population centers. Such regional policies or whatever they are called will in the long run become very expensive when expenses grow. Into whose pockets do the euros go when we are sicker than ever?

keskiviikko 27. marraskuuta 2013

Joskus sanat katoavat, Sometimes words disappear

Joten kuvat puhukoot puolestaan. So let the pictures speak.

                                        Pohjoinen taivas, Northern sky

                                        Auringonlasku 26.11.2013  Sunset

                                                  Syyskuun päivä, September day

                                        Kuinka kaunis yllämme taivas, Beautiful sky

keskiviikko 30. lokakuuta 2013

Olen skeptikko, I'm a skeptic

Olen viime aikoina seurannut tiiviisti Grounded-dokumenttielokuvaa ja maadoittumista koskevaa keskustelua nettipalstoilla. Se on ollut todella mielenkiintoista. Asetelmat ovat mustavalkoiset. Puolesta tai vastaan.
Erilaiset skeptikkoryhmät  - esimerkiksi tämä Skeptoid.com sivuston keskustelu http://skeptoid.com/blog/2013/01/26/more-mercola-misinformation-grounding-in-reverse/ - on ollut melkoista vääntämistä siitä, mitä on tieteellisesti todistettu ja mitä ei. Ja mitä voi uskoa ja mitä ei.
Vastakkain ovat tiukan tieteelliset skeptikot, jotka eivät usko mihinkään, mitä ei voi järki selittää. Itse asiassa maadoittuminen on kyllä selitettävissä, mutta tarpeellinen tieteellinen näyttö (=kirjoitukset arvostetuissa lääketieteen julkaisuissa) puuttuu.
Alun perin skeptikoiden ohjenuora oli se, että mitään ei voida tietää. Loogiset päättelyketjut ovat loputtomia, mutta mikä on kaiken alku? Nykyiset skeptikot nojaavat lujasti järkeen. Sellaiset pikkujutut kuin tunteet ja intuitio eivät kuulu heidän maailmaansa.
Elämme ihanassa ja upeassa maailmassa, joka on täynnä täydellisiä yksityiskohtia. Jo ihminen itsessään on mestariteos. Pystyykö ihminen kloonaamaan itsensä – no, onneksi ei pysty! On paljon asioita, joita ei voida järjellä selittää, mutta jotka ovat olemassa.
Olen skeptikko. Skeptinen ihmisen, tekniikan ja tieteen suhteen, koska turhan usein siellä järkevässä maailmassa piilee materia, raha ja ahneus.  Uskon näkymättömään, intuitioon, tunteisiin,  luontoon ja kaiken olemassa olevan suurenmoiseen rakenteeseen.  

Lately I’ve been intensively following the discussion around the movie Grounded and the concept of Earthing online. It’s been very interesting. People are black or white: for or against.
Different groups of skeptics – for example in this discussion on Skeptoid.com: http://skeptoid.com/blog/2013/01/26/more-mercola-misinformation-grounding-in-reverse/   have been engaging in quite a battle about what has been scientifically proven and what has not. And what you can believe and what you can’t believe.
Two strictly scientific skeptics who do not believe in anything not explainable by common sense are squaring off. In fact, Earthing is explainable, but the scientific proof required (=articles in respected medical publications) is missing.
In the beginning skeptics were guided by the belief that nothing can be known. Logical chains of assumptions are endless, but where does it all begin? The modern skeptics lean strongly on reason. Little things such as feelings and intuition are not part of their worlds.
We live in a wonderful, beautiful world, full of perfect details. The human being in itself is a masterpiece. Can humans clone themselves – well, luckily not! There are a lot of things that cannot be explained by common sense, but which do exist.
I’m a skeptic. Skeptic about man, technology and science, because too often material, money and greed are hiding in the sensible world. I believe in the unseen, intuition, feelings, nature and the wonderful structure of everything that exists.


lauantai 5. lokakuuta 2013

Kahden vuoden kokeilu, A two-year experiment

Taas on aika tehdä yhteenveto siitä, miten maadoittuminen on vaikuttanut. Kaksi vuotta on tullut täyteen, yhtään yötä en ole nukkunut ilman maadoituslakanaa. Pieniä ongelmia on ollut reissussa, koska kaikkialta ei löydy maadoitettuja pistorasioita eikä ole mahdollisuutta vetää johtoa ulos. Silloin on onneksi löytynyt vanha kunnon vesipatteri, josta olen saanut maadoituksen toimimaan. Näin kävi esimerkiksi Norjassa!
Uni on edelleen syvää ja virkistävää. Toki olen välillä nukkunut huonomminkin, mutta 95% öistäni nukun illasta aamuun heräämättä kertaakaan. Unimaailma on edelleen hyvin vilkas ja mielikuvituksellinen. En herää ihan pieniin ääniin, olen onnistunut nukkumaan myös ukonilman aikana, mikä ei ikinä aiemmin onnistunut!
 Kesällä sain käyttööni Groundals-maadoitussandaalit, joita pidän vieläkin välillä ulkona. Ne ovat kertakaikkiaan koukuttavat jalkineet! Olin maadoittuneena lähes 24/7 !
Olen keskustellut lukuisten ihmisten kanssa maadoituksesta niin puhelimessa, kasvotusten kuin sähköpostin välityksellä. Kaikki keskustelut ovat olleet antoisia ja opettavaisia. Kokonaisvaltainen hyvinvointi koostuu monesta osasta. Mielestäni kaikilla osa-alueilla pitää palata siihen, että olemme osa luontoa, emme osa tekniikkaa. Liikunta, ravinto ja lepo ovat elämän tukipilarit. Kun ne kaikki ovat tasapainossa - tarpeeksi liikuntaa, oikeanlaista ravintoa ja riittävä yöuni - on helpompi saavuttaa oma optimaalinen terveydentilansa.
Elämässä voi aina sattua yllätyksiä, mitään ei voi pitää itsestäänselvyytenä. Ihmismieli on taipuvainen synkkyyteen ja asioiden vatvomiseen. Muistellaan menneitä ja pelätään tulevaa, mutta elää voi vain tässä ja nyt. Maa jalkojemme alla on pysyvä hyvinvoinnin lähde. Liikumme Maan pinnalla - useimmiten -, syömme Maasta tulevaa ravintoa ja lepäämme Maan pinnalla - vaakatasossa. Ei ole tarvetta lähteä avaruuteen etsimään jotain parempaa, koska meillä on täällä kaikki, mitä tarvitsemme.
Mitä enemmän perehdyn maadoittumiseen ja sen monipuoliseen vaikutukseen, sitä kunnioittavammin suhtaudun Äiti Maahan. Kunpa me ihmiset emme pilaisi tätä mahtavaa elinympäristöämme ahneuksissamme! 

Maadoittumisesta kertovan, Steve Kroschelin ohjaaman elokuvan, voit katsoa kolmella dollarilla. Kenties se saa sinutkin katsomaan ympäristöäsi uusin silmin.


It’s again time to summarize the effects of Earthing. It’s been two years now and I have not slept a single night without the Earthing sheet. I have experienced some small problems while travelling, because you can’t find grounded power outlets everywhere, nor do you always have the possibility of using the grounding rod outside. Luckily when this has happened, I have been able to find a proper old radiator which has enabled me to ground myself. This was the case in Norway, for example.
My sleep is still deep and refreshing. Of course at times I sleep less well, but 95% of my nights I spend sleeping from evening to morning, without waking up once. My dream world is still very lively and imaginative. The smallest of sounds don’t wake me anymore; I have even managed to sleep during a thunderstorm, which I have never before been able to do.
This summer I started to use Groundals, grounding sandals, which I still sometimes wear outside, despite the time of the year. I’m absolutely hooked on my shoes!  I was grounded nearly 24/7!
I have talked about Earthing with many, many people, on the phone, face to face and via email. All discussions have been educational and very rewarding. Total wellbeing consists of many things. In my opinion, on every area we must return to being part of the nature, not part of technology. Moving, eating and sleeping are the building blocks of life. When all those are balanced – enough exercise, the right kind of nutrition and refreshing sleep – it’s much easier to reach your own optimal state of health.
There can always be surprises in life; you can’t take anything for granted. The human mind is prone to gloominess and overthinking. We remember the past and fear the future but you can only live in the here and now. The ground beneath our feet is a permanent source of wellbeing. We move on it – most of the time – we eat the food it provides and we rest on it, lying down. There’s no need for space travel in search of something better because we have everything we need right here.
The more I get to know about Earthing and its diverse influences, the more respect I have for Mother Earth. I only wish us humans didn’t let our greed destroy our magnificent living environment!
You can watch the movie Grounded, directed by Steve Kroschel, online at the cost of three dollars. Perhaps it will make you too look at your surroundings with completely new eyes!

maanantai 9. syyskuuta 2013

Uutisia Earthing Institutesta

Earthing Instituten uusimmassa uutiskirjeessä on kysely maadoittumistuotteiden käyttäjille. Kokemuksia kaivataan erityisesti naisilta, mutta myös miehiltä ja lemmikkieläimiltä.

Jos haluat kertoa kokemuksiasi, mutta englannin kieli tuottaa ongelmia, voit lähettää palautteesi minulle sähköpostilla (info@tiedonportaat.fi) Käännämme sen englanniksi. Palaute voi olla nimetön, mikäli et halua nimeäsi mainittavan.  Palautteen englanniksi voi lähettää  suoraan: info@earthinginstitute.net
Kysymykset on suomennettu lyhyesti allaolevaan uutiskirjeeseen, kysymykset naisille ovat kirjeen lopussa.

News from the Earthing Institute

We Want Your Feedback
    We would like to invite your comments on a number of questions about how Earthing has benefitted your life.   

For Women
    We are interested in learning more about the benefits of Earthing from a woman's perspective.  If you are a woman, please use the questionnaire at the bottom of this message.  Just copy it, paste it into an email with your comments, and send it back to us at info@earthinginstitute.net

    If you are middle-aged and up, we’d like to know about the effect of Earthing on prostate issues, and whether Earthing has helped reduce the typical getting-up-at-night-multiple-times-to-urinate problem.  If you have any other personal observations to share, kindly write them up at your convenience and send to us atinfo@earthinginstitute.net


Earthing and Pets
    We are also interested in feedback about how indoor pets are attracted to Earthing sheets and mats, and what effect grounding has had on their health.  We have received a number of stories, and even pictures, from folks about their animals sensing something special about the grounding products and seeking them out to sleep or rest on, and then experiencing improvements to health. Share your stories with us at info@earthinginstitute.net   On our website you will find a new Earthing report from a veterinarian on this subject. 



Southern California Hypertensive Patients Sought for Earthing Study
    Many people with high blood pressure who have “grounded” themselves using conductive Earthing sheets and mats indoors have reported improvements, suggesting a new, natural way to reduce hypertension. 
    A study to test Earthing’s effect on hypertension has been organized under the supervision of cardiologist Howard Elkin, M.D., with offices in Whittier, 19 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.
    Additional participants are being sought for the study.
    ● Participants can be male or female, age 30 to 80, who have been diagnosed with hypertension (blood pressure readings over 140/90). 
    ● The trial period is 12 weeks, during which time participants must commit to being Earthed during sleep and active hours for a combined total of 10-12 hours each day.
    ● Earthing and standard blood pressure monitoring equipment will be furnished at no cost and full instructions given at an initial consultation in Dr. Elkin’s office.
    ● Participants will be required to revisit the office every four weeks after the start of the study, for a blood pressure examination, thus, a total of four office visits.
    The study is solely aimed at testing Earthing’s effect on high blood pressure.  Individuals who currently take prescription medication for hypertension are eligible to participate.  There is no reimbursement or expenses paid for participation in the study. 
    If you live in Southern California and may be interested in participating, or know someone who would be interested, please send an email to Dr. Elkin’s office manager  mary@heartwise.com  for more details.    

New Earthing  Institute Website www.earthinginstitute.net
    Our site has been redesigned with new features and more accessibility to Earthing information.  Take a look. 
    You’ll find a “video theater” where with clips on Earthing.  Our opening “show” is a selection of video commentaries from Clint Ober, the founder of Earthing.  More videos will be added over time.
    We have added many new Earthing articles, including a report by cardiologist Stephen Sinatra about the powerful Earthing−diabetes connection, what to tell people who are skeptical about Earthing, and a reminder about the importance of staying grounded.   

Earthing Training Program
    We have received many inquiries from people around the world interested in enrolling in an Earthing training program.  We had mentioned it in the Earthing book and started to develop an online program in 2012.  However, other priorities have forced us to put further development on indefinite hold.       

Earthing’s Global Reach
    Reconnecting with the Earth is possible throughout the world, so it is no wonder that the Earthing message is truly reaching global proportions.  Since the Earthing book was originally published in spring of 2010, it has been translated into German, Korean, Swedish, Italian, Finnish, Dutch, Spanish, French, Russian, and Polish.  Later this year, the book will be published in Danish, Greek, Chinese, and Croatian. For links to publishers’ websites, click here www.earthinginstitute.net
    Earlier this year, SpaFinder Wellness, an organization that advises the spa, fitness, and resort industry, issued its annual 2013 trends report and named Earthing among the top ten trends and as a prime way to address a “nature deficit disorder.”   Another example of how Earthing is creating a buzz in the health world.  Here’s the link to SpaFinder Wellness:  http://www.spafinder.com/newsletter/pt/trends2013/SFW_2013_Trend-Final.pdf  
Scroll down to p. 13 to see how Earthing is envisioned to be part of a “less piped-in nature sounds, and more real nature” atmosphere.

Walking Barefoot
    Barefoot running/walking gurus Michael Sandler and Jessica Lee have just published their latest book, “Walking Barefoot.”  The two give considerable attention to the Earthing benefits of the barefoot experience.  It’s not just about the biomechanics of barefoot walking.   If you are interested in learning how to take your walking experience to another level, including how to do it safely. Michael and Jessica have the book for you. For more information, visit their website at http://runbare.com/barefoot-book-overview  “Barefoot Walking” is a sequel to their first book, Barefoot Running.

Stay Grounded!

Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D.
Martin Zucker

Questionnaire on Women’s Issues   KYSYMYKSET NAISILLE
    Through this informal survey, we hope to add to our knowledge about how Earthing helps health and personal issues important to women.  Such information helps us better understand and explain the benefits of Earthing to women. We may draw material from the feedback for use on our website and in the Earthing book, or in answering questions that we receive.  Answer any question you feel is relevant to you and at any length you wish.      Send your comments to us atinfo@earthinginstitute.net
No answer will be used in any way with your name, unless you give us explicit permission to do so.
    1. What has been the major effect of Earthing on your personal health and how much of a difference has it made?


    2. Do you feel more rested, youthful, and energetic as a result of Earthing?  If so, how much more, and how fast did it take for you to notice a difference?


    3. Has Earthing reduced a pain problem?  Please describe the pain, or the diagnosis, how long you had it, and how much Earthing has helped.   Can you quantify your improvement on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being very severe pain?  Example:  My daily pain from an arthritic knee was 8 or 9 at the worst.  I’ve had it for 10 years and I had to take a prescription pain killer (often or daily), and the pain prevented me from playing tennis.  After Earthing the general level of pain was 2 or 3, and I didn’t have to take so many painkillers, and was able to play tennis again. 


    4. Has Earthing improved a menstrual problem, and if so, what was the situation before Earthing and after Earthing? How fast did the problem improve?


    5. Has Earthing improved a menopausal issue, and if so, what was the situation before Earthing and after Earthing?  How fast did the problem improve?

    6. Have you noticed any discernible weight loss since starting Earthing, that you strongly believe is attributable to Earthing and not any diet, exercise program, or supplement routine?  And if so, can you describe how much weight loss was involved and over what period of time. 


    7. If you have been pregnant while Earthing, do you feel that Earthing made a difference during your pregnancy and delivery?  In what way?  Can you compare this to your experience during a prior pregnancy?

    8. Do you have children who are Earthing, and if so, what difference have you seen in their health or behavior?   


Thanks for your participation. KIITOS OSALLISTUMISESTASI!